Item Text
1 |
1558 |
Have frequent mood
swings. |
34 |
1946 |
Lose control over my
behavior when I'm emotional. |
67 |
1719 |
Have unpredictable
emotions and moods. |
100 |
2167 |
Overreact to every
little thing in life. |
134 |
1797 |
Know how to cope.
(RK) |
167 |
682 |
Can remain
cool-headed when stressed out. (RK) |
14 |
1328 |
Get angry easily. |
47 |
2113 |
Often feel
overwhelmed with rage. |
80 |
1356 |
Get irritated
easily. |
114 |
1468 |
Have a violent
temper. |
147 |
299 |
Am not easily
annoyed. (RK) |
180 |
998 |
Don't let little
things anger me. (RK) |
16 |
1264 |
Find nothing excites
me. |
49 |
1208 |
Feel that nothing
seems to make me feel good. |
82 |
278 |
Am not a joyful
person. |
116 |
1714 |
Have trouble getting
interested in things. |
149 |
1451 |
Have a lot of fun.
(RK) |
181 |
140 |
Am an energetic
person. (RK) |
10 |
1155 |
Feel my anxiety
overwhelms me. |
43 |
264 |
Am nervous or tense
most of the time. |
76 |
2170 |
Panic easily. |
110 |
1206 |
Feel that my worry
and anxiety is out of control. |
143 |
219 |
Am generally a
fearful person. |
176 |
204 |
Am easily startled. |
201 |
2289 |
Rarely worry. (RK) |
5 |
744 |
Care about others.
(RK) |
38 |
274 |
Am not a caring
person. |
71 |
63 |
Am a cold-hearted
person. |
105 |
864 |
Do not care how my
actions affect others. |
138 |
701 |
Can't be bothered
with others’ needs. |
172 |
280 |
Am not a sympathetic
person. |
198 |
243 |
Am indifferent to
the feelings of others. |
9 |
1303 |
Frequently get
things mixed up in my head. |
42 |
2111 |
Often feel like my
thoughts make no sense. |
75 |
2078 |
Often space out and
lose track of what's going on. |
109 |
2129 |
Often have
disorganized thoughts. |
142 |
189 |
Am easily
disoriented. |
175 |
1022 |
Easily lose my train
of thought. |
200 |
1442 |
Have a good memory
for things I've done throughout the day. (RK) |
210 |
1298 |
Formulate ideas
clearly. (RK) |
32 |
2519 |
Tend to feel very
hopeless. |
65 |
398 |
Am sad most of the
time. |
98 |
1315 |
Generally focus on
the negative side of things. |
132 |
834 |
Dislike myself. |
165 |
1938 |
Look at the bright
side of life. (RK) |
196 |
2268 |
Rarely feel
depressed. (RK) |
12 |
639 |
Boss people around. |
45 |
1869 |
Like having
authority over others. |
78 |
1752 |
Insist that others
do things my way. |
112 |
2005 |
Make demands on
others. |
145 |
1466 |
Have a strong need
for power. |
178 |
251 |
Am known as a
controlling person. |
19 |
1533 |
Have difficulty
expressing my feelings. |
52 |
2535 |
Think it's best to
keep my emotions to myself. |
85 |
358 |
Am open about my
feelings. (RK) |
119 |
309 |
Am not good at
describing the emotions I feel throughout the day. |
152 |
1537 |
Have difficulty
showing affection. |
184 |
108 |
Am able to describe
my feelings easily. (RK) |
203 |
209 |
Am emotionally
reserved. |
3 |
1971 |
Love to be the
center of attention. |
36 |
1913 |
Like to stand out in
a crowd. |
69 |
258 |
Am likely to show
off if I get the chance. |
102 |
2623 |
Use my looks to get
what I want. |
136 |
1045 |
Enjoy flirting with
complete strangers. |
169 |
921 |
Don't enjoy being in
the spotlight. (RK) |
6 |
2414 |
Sometimes get lost
in my daydreams. |
39 |
2424 |
Sometimes have
fantasies that are overwhelming. |
72 |
2411 |
Sometimes find
myself in a trance-like state without trying. |
106 |
1149 |
Feel like my
imagination can run wild. |
139 |
412 |
Am sometimes so
preoccupied with my own thoughts I don't realize others are trying to speak
to me. |
173 |
2416 |
Sometimes have
extremely vivid pictures in my head. |
8 |
816 |
Deserve special
treatment from others.
41 |
2385 |
Should get special
privileges. |
74 |
570 |
Believe that I am
better than others. |
108 |
980 |
Don't think I should
have to wait in lines like others. |
141 |
1211 |
Feel that others are
beneath me. |
174 |
569 |
Believe that I am
always right. |
199 |
2572 |
Treat people as
inferiors. |
22 |
2748 |
Worry a lot about
catching a serious illness. |
55 |
375 |
Am prone to complain
about my health. |
88 |
2080 |
Often am concerned
about diseases I might have. |
122 |
121 |
Am afraid that my
life will be cut short by illness. |
155 |
1616 |
Have medical
problems that my doctors don't understand. |
187 |
2751 |
Worry about my
health. |
205 |
2547 |
Think that I am in
good medical condition. (RK) |
17 |
345 |
Am often out for
revenge. |
50 |
214 |
Am excited to
inflict pain on others. |
83 |
1346 |
Get even with
others. |
117 |
1743 |
Hurt people. |
150 |
2718 |
Will spread false
rumors as a way to hurt others. |
182 |
393 |
Am ready to hit
someone when I get angry. |
202 |
1914 |
Like to start
fights. |
211 |
1031 |
Enjoy a good brawl. |
31 |
2053 |
Neglect my duties. |
64 |
1291 |
Follow through with
my plans. (RK) |
97 |
1771 |
Keep my
appointments. (RK) |
131 |
103 |
Am a very reliable
person. (RK) |
164 |
511 |
responsibilities. |
195 |
734 |
Cannot be counted on
to get things done. |
209 |
275 |
Am not a dependable
person. |
20 |
2466 |
Take advantage of
others. |
53 |
752 |
Cheat to get ahead. |
86 |
1921 |
Like to trick people
into doing things for me. |
120 |
800 |
Deceive people. |
153 |
1550 |
Have exploited
others for my own gain. |
185 |
144 |
Am an honest person.
(RK) |
2 |
1152 |
Feel like people
often are out to get something from me. |
35 |
1212 |
Feel that others are
out to get me. |
68 |
628 |
Believe that, sooner
or later, people always let you down. |
101 |
2460 |
Suspect hidden
motives in others. |
135 |
604 |
Believe that people
are basically honest and good. (RK) |
168 |
371 |
Am pretty trusting
of others' motives. (RK) |
29 |
2253 |
Quickly lose
interest in the tasks I start. |
62 |
1535 |
Have difficulty
keeping my attention on a task. |
95 |
191 |
Am easily
distracted. |
129 |
2256 |
Quit tasks as soon
as I get bored. |
162 |
1279 |
Finish what I start.
(RK) |
193 |
382 |
Am quick to quit
when the going gets tough. |
33 |
901 |
Do things without
thinking of the consequences. |
66 |
34 |
Act without
planning. |
99 |
1761 |
Jump into things
without thinking. |
133 |
70 |
Am a firm believer in thinking things through. (RK) |
166 |
1998 |
Make careful
choices. (RK) |
197 |
2205 |
Prefer to 'live in
the moment' rather than plan things out. |
23 |
1470 |
Have always been a rule-breaker. |
56 |
1353 |
Get in trouble with
the law. |
89 |
81 |
Am a law-abiding
citizen. (RK) |
123 |
2319 |
Respect authority.
(RK) |
156 |
1459 |
Have a rebellious
side that gets me into trouble. |
188 |
1415 |
Got in trouble a lot
at school. |
206 |
1541 |
Have done many
things for which I could have been (or was) arrested. |
15 |
99 |
Am a strange person. |
48 |
328 |
Am odd. |
81 |
1517 |
Have been told that
my behavior often is bizarre. |
115 |
166 |
Am considered to be
kind of eccentric. |
148 |
2768 |
Would describe
myself as a normal person. (RK) |
13 |
1084 |
Expect nothing less
than perfection. |
46 |
918 |
Don't consider a
task finished until it's perfect. |
79 |
315 |
Am not happy until
all the details are taken care of. |
113 |
2379 |
Set high standards
for myself and others. |
146 |
807 |
Demand perfection in
others. |
179 |
2456 |
Strive in every way
possible to be flawless. |
Insecurity (7 items; Comm α = .84, Pat α = .83)
28 |
137 |
Am always worried
that my partner is going to leave me. |
61 |
447 |
Am usually convinced
that my friends and romantic partners will betray me. |
94 |
1357 |
Get jealous easily. |
128 |
2626 |
Usually believe that
my friends will abandon me. |
161 |
365 |
Am paralyzed by a
fear of rejection. |
192 |
400 |
Am secure in my
relationships. (RK) |
208 |
1319 |
Generally trust my
partners to be faithful to me. (RK) |
26 |
873 |
Do not like reading
or hearing opinions that go against my way of thinking. |
59 |
1243 |
Find it difficult to
consider as valid opinions that differ from my own. |
92 |
1508 |
Have been told that
I am rigid and inflexible. |
104 |
1555 |
Have fixed opinions. |
126 |
329 |
Am often accused of
being narrow-minded. |
159 |
173 |
Am convinced that my
way is the best way. |
171 |
552 |
Believe strongly
that the world would be a much better place if I had my way. |
191 |
245 |
Am inflexible when I
think I'm right. |
207 |
1242 |
Find it difficult to
compromise in policy debates. |
212 |
595 |
Believe that most
questions have one right answer. |
27 |
1956 |
Love dangerous
situations. |
60 |
1891 |
Like to do
frightening things. |
93 |
1324 |
Get a thrill out of
doing things that might kill me. |
127 |
2769 |
Would do anything to
get an adrenaline rush. |
160 |
2200 |
Prefer safety over
risk. (RK) |
30 |
982 |
Don't think much
about sex. |
63 |
1601 |
Have little desire
for sex or romance. |
96 |
784 |
Could easily live
without having sex. |
130 |
1061 |
Enjoy sexual
experiences intensely. (RK) |
163 |
2342 |
See little need for
romance in my life. |
194 |
1968 |
Love the feeling of
being intimately close with someone. (RK) |
25 |
1753 |
Insult people. |
58 |
2328 |
Ridicule people. |
91 |
2332 |
Say inappropriate
things. |
125 |
2383 |
Shoot my mouth off. |
158 |
1454 |
Have a mouth that
gets me into trouble. |
190 |
1460 |
Have a reputation
for asking inappropriate questions. |
214 |
2855 |
I am known for
saying offensive things. |
7 |
1721 |
Have urges to cut
myself. |
40 |
1695 |
Have thoughts of
injuring myself. |
73 |
1175 |
Feel that cutting
myself helps me feel better. |
107 |
1304 |
Frequently have
thoughts about killing myself. |
140 |
1728 |
Have written a
suicide note. |
213 |
1594 |
I have intentionally
done myself physical harm. |
216 |
1643 |
I have no will to
live. |
24 |
1048 |
Enjoy going to
social gatherings. (RK) |
57 |
1118 |
Feel comfortable
around people. (RK) |
90 |
1790 |
Keep to myself even
when I'm around other people. |
124 |
2266 |
Rarely enjoy being
with people. |
157 |
868 |
Do not feel close to
people. |
189 |
1241 |
Find it difficult to
approach others. |
4 |
185 |
Am easily controlled
by others in my life. |
37 |
1855 |
Let others take
advantage of me. |
70 |
1843 |
Let myself be pushed
around. |
103 |
2202 |
Prefer that others
make the major decisions in my life. |
137 |
1841 |
Let myself be
directed by others. |
170 |
2046 |
Need others to help
run my life |
21 |
534 |
Believe I have
supernatural powers. |
54 |
683 |
Can see into the
future. |
87 |
111 |
Am able to read the
minds of others. |
121 |
1692 |
Have the power to
cast spells on others. |
154 |
658 |
Can control objects
with my mind. |
186 |
2619 |
Use magic to ward
off bad thoughts about me. |
204 |
681 |
Can predict the
outcome of events. |
11 |
1114 |
Feel at times that I
have left my body and am somehow outside my physical self. |
44 |
2348 |
See strange figures
or visions when nothing is really there. |
77 |
1731 |
Hear voices talking
about me when nobody is really there. |
111 |
1579 |
Have had the feeling
that I might not be human. |
144 |
1580 |
Have had the feeling
that I was someone else. |
177 |
2426 |
Sometimes think the
TV is talking directly to me. |
215 |
1112 |
I feel as if my
body, or a part of it, has disappeared. |
18 |
2746 |
Work too much. |
51 |
105 |
Am a workaholic, with little time for fun or pleasure. |
84 |
1647 |
Have noticed that I
put my work ahead of too many other things. |
118 |
2742 |
Work longer hours
than most people. |
151 |
2745 |
Work so hard that my
relationships have suffered. |
183 |
2240 |
Push myself very
hard to succeed. |
Note. SF # = static form item number; CAT # =
CAT-PD item number; RK = reverse-keyed. SF scales are scored by averaging item responses within each scale. RK item responses must be reversed prior to
averaging (i.e., keyed = 6 – item response). Comm
α = Community Sample (N = 1,269) and Pat α = Patient Sample (N =
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