10-item scale (Alpha = .86) |
+ keyed |
Often feel blue. |
Dislike myself. |
Am often down in the dumps. |
Have frequent mood swings. |
Panic easily. |
keyed |
Rarely get irritated. |
Seldom feel blue. |
Feel comfortable with myself. |
Am not easily bothered by things. |
Am very pleased with myself. |
20-item scale (Alpha = .91) |
+ keyed |
Often feel blue. |
Dislike myself. |
Am often down in the dumps. |
Have frequent mood swings. |
Panic easily. |
Am filled with doubts about things. |
Feel threatened easily. |
Get stressed out easily. |
Fear for the worst. |
Worry about things. |
keyed |
Seldom feel blue. |
Feel comfortable with myself. |
Rarely get irritated. |
Am not easily bothered by things. |
Am very pleased with myself. |
Am relaxed most of the time. |
Seldom get mad. |
Am not easily frustrated. |
Remain calm under pressure. |
Rarely lose my composure. |
10-item scale (Alpha = .86) |
+ keyed |
Feel comfortable around people. |
Make friends easily. |
Am skilled in handling social situations. |
Am the life of the party. |
Know how to captivate people. |
keyed |
Have little to say. |
Keep in the background. |
Would describe my experiences as somewhat dull. |
Don't like to draw attention to myself. |
Don't talk a lot. |
20-item scale (Alpha = .91) |
+ keyed |
Feel comfortable around people. |
Make friends easily. |
Am skilled in handling social situations. |
Am the life of the party. |
Know how to captivate people. |
Start conversations. |
Warm up quickly to others. |
Talk to a lot of different people at parties. |
Don't mind being the center of attention. |
Cheer people up. |
keyed |
Have little to say. |
Keep in the background. |
Would describe my experiences as somewhat dull. |
Don't like to draw attention to myself. |
Don't talk a lot. |
Avoid contacts with others. |
Am hard to get to know. |
Retreat from others. |
Find it difficult to approach others. |
Keep others at a distance. |
10-item scale (Alpha = .82) |
+ keyed |
Believe in the importance of art. |
Have a vivid imagination. |
Tend to vote for liberal political candidates. |
Carry the conversation to a higher level. |
Enjoy hearing new ideas. |
keyed |
Am not interested in abstract ideas. |
Do not like art. |
Avoid philosophical discussions. |
Do not enjoy going to art museums. |
Tend to vote for conservative political candidates.
20-item scale (Alpha = .89) |
+ keyed |
Believe in the importance of art. |
Have a vivid imagination. |
Tend to vote for liberal political candidates. |
Carry the conversation to a higher level. |
Enjoy hearing new ideas. |
Enjoy thinking about things. |
Can say things beautifully. |
Enjoy wild flights of fantasy. |
Get excited by new ideas. |
Have a rich vocabulary. |
keyed |
Am not interested in abstract ideas. |
Do not like art. |
Avoid philosophical discussions. |
Do not enjoy going to art museums. |
Tend to vote for conservative political candidates.
Do not like poetry. |
Rarely look for a deeper meaning in things. |
Believe that too much tax money goes to support artists.
Am not interested in theoretical discussions. |
Have difficulty understanding abstract ideas. |
10-item scale (Alpha = .77) |
+ keyed |
Have a good word for everyone. |
Believe that others have good intentions. |
Respect others. |
Accept people as they are. |
Make people feel at ease. |
keyed |
Have a sharp tongue. |
Cut others to pieces. |
Suspect hidden motives in others. |
Get back at others. |
Insult people. |
20-item scale (Alpha = .85) |
+ keyed |
Have a good word for everyone. |
Believe that others have good intentions. |
Respect others. |
Accept people as they are. |
Make people feel at ease. |
Am concerned about others. |
Trust what people say. |
Sympathize with others' feelings. |
Am easy to satisfy. |
Treat all people equally. |
keyed |
Have a sharp tongue. |
Cut others to pieces. |
Suspect hidden motives in others. |
Get back at others. |
Insult people. |
Believe that I am better than others. |
Contradict others. |
Make demands on others. |
Hold a grudge. |
Am out for my own personal gain. |
10-item scale (Alpha = .81) |
+ keyed |
Am always prepared. |
Pay attention to details. |
Get chores done right away. |
Carry out my plans. |
Make plans and stick to them. |
keyed |
Waste my time. |
Find it difficult to get down to work. |
Do just enough work to get by. |
Don't see things through. |
Shirk my duties. |
20-item scale (Alpha = .90) |
+ keyed |
Am always prepared. |
Pay attention to details. |
Get chores done right away. |
Carry out my plans. |
Make plans and stick to them. |
Complete tasks successfully. |
Do things according to a plan. |
Am exacting in my work. |
Finish what I start. |
Follow through with my plans. |
keyed |
Waste my time. |
Find it difficult to get down to work. |
Do just enough work to get by. |
Don't see things through. |
Shirk my duties. |
Mess things up. |
Leave things unfinished. |
Don't put my mind on the task at hand. |
Make a mess of things. |
Need a push to get started. |