Publications that Employ the IPIP

This web-site serves as a repository for reports of studies using IPIP items. Here is a preliminary list. To add a relevant report to this initial set, send its citation (in APA reference format) to Lewis R. Goldberg at

Abdul Azis, H., Rahman, Z. A., Rashid, M. R. A., Baharom, N., Awang, H., & Mohammad Lukman, N. H. (2024). Evaluating the reliability and model fit of the 13-item and 10-item Big Five Inventory (Malay version) among Malaysian firefighters. Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences, 31(4):185–194.

Abdurahman, S., Vu, H., Zou, W., Ungar, L., & Bhatia, S. (2024). A deep learning approach to personality assessment: Generalizing across items and expanding the reach of survey-based research. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology: Personality Processes and Individual Differences, 126(2), 312-331.

Abood, N. (2019). Big Five traits: A critical review. Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business, 21(2), 159-186.

Aghababaei, N. (2012). Religious, honest and humble: Looking for the religious person within the HEXACO model of personality structure. Personality and Individual Differences, 53(7), 880-883.

Aghababaei, N. (2013). Between you and God, where is the general factor of personality? Exploring personality-religion relationships in a Muslim context. Personality and Individual Differences, 55(2), 196-198.

Aghababaei, N., & Arji, A. (2014). Well-being and the HEXACO model of personality. Personality and Individual Differences, 56, 139-142.

Aghababaei, N., & Farahani, H. (2011). The role of trait gratitude in predicting psychological and subjective well-being. Journal of Iranian Psychologists, 8, 75-84.

Aghababaei, N., & Tabik, M. T. (2013). Gratitude and mental health: Differences between religious and general gratitude in a Muslim context. Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 16(8), 761-766.

Aguinis, H., Mazurkiewicz, M. D., & Heggestad, E. D. (2009). Using web-based frame-of-reference training to decrease biases in personality-based job analysis: An experimental field study. Personnel Psychology, 62(2), 405-438.

Ahart, A. M., & Sackett, P. R. (2004). A new method of examining relationships between individual difference measures and sensitive behavior criteria: Evaluating the unmatched count technique. Organizational Research Methods, 7(1), 101-114.

Ahlborg, F. K., Knutsson, J., & Kanjonius, P. J. (2024). Linking personality trait-facets and value-domains. International Journal of Personality Psychology, 10, 1-8.

Akhtar, H., & Azwar, S. (2018). Development and validation of a short scale for measuring Big Five personality traits: The IPIP-BFM-25 Indonesia. Journal of Innovation in Psychology, Education, and Didactics, 22(2), 167-174.

Akhtar, N., Francis, L. J., Sailer, A. B, McKenna, U., & Hasan, S. S. (2024). Questioning the use in a Muslim society of an IPIP measure of the Big Five Factors: a problem with reverse-coded items? Mental Health, Religion & Culture.

Alarcon, G. M., & Jessup, S. A. (2023). Propensity to trust and risk aversion: Differential roles in the trust process. Journal of Research in Personality, 103, 104349.

Albion, M. J., & Fogarty, G. J. (2002). Factors influencing career decision making in adolescents and adults. Journal of Career Assessment, 10(1), 91-126.

Allen, M. S., Greenlees, I., & Jones, M. (2013). Personality in sport: A comprehensive review. International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 6(1), 184-208.

Allen, T. A., Carey, B. E., McBride, C., Bagby, R. M., DeYoung, C. G., & Quilty, L. C. (2018). Big Five aspects of personality interact to predict depression. Journal of Personality, 86(4), 714-725.

Al-Shawaf, L., Lewis, D. M. G., & Buss, D. M. (2015). Disgust and mating strategy. Evolution and Human Behavior, 36(3), 199-205.

An, E., Delgadillo, D. R., Yang, J., Agarwal, R., Labus, J. S., Labus, Pawar, S., Leitman, M., Leitman, Kilpatrick, L. A., Bhatt, R. R., Vora, P., Vaughan, A., Dong, T. S., & Gupta, A. (2024). Stress-resilience impacts psychological wellbeing as evidenced by brain-gut microbiome interactions. Nature Mental Health, 2(8), 935–950.

Anderson, M. H. (2008). Discovering your personality: A group exercise in personal sensemaking. Journal of Management Education, 32(5), 651-676.

Andersson, A., Kajonius, P., & Thorvaldsson, V. (2022). Testing the personality differentiation by intelligence hypothesis in a representative sample of Swedish hexagenerians. Journal of Research in Personality, 99, 104242.

Andresen, P. K, Schuurman, N. K., & Hamaker, E. L. (2024). How to measure and model personality traits in everyday life: A qualitative analysis of 300 big five personality items. Journal of Research in Personality, 112, 104528.

Arellano-Véliz, N. A., Cox, R. F. A., Jeronimus, B. F., & Castillo, R. D. (2024). Personality expression in body motion dynamics: An enactive, embodied, and complex systems perspective. Journal of Research in Personality, 110, 104495.

Anglim, J., & Grant, S. L. (2014). Incremental criterion prediction of personality facets over factors: Obtaining unbiased estimates and confidence internals. Journal of Research in Personality, 53, 148-157.

Anglim, J., & Horwood, S. (2021). Effect of the COVID-19 pandemic and Big Five personality on subjective and psychological well-being. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 12(8), 1527-1537.

Antinori, A., Carter, O. L., & Smillie, L. D. (2017). Seeing it both ways: Openness to experience and binocular rivalry suppression. Journal of Research in Personality, 68, 15-22.

Armstrong, P. I., Allison, W., & Rounds, J. (2008). Development and initial validation of brief public domain RIASEC marker scales. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 73(2), 287-299.

Armstrong, P. I., & Anthoney, S. F. (2009). Personality facets and RIASEC interests: An integrated model. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 75(3), 346-359.

Arellano-Véliz, N. A., Cox, R. F. A., Jeronimus, B. F., Castillo, R. D., & Kunnen, E. S. (2024). Personality expression in body motion dynamics: An enactive, embodied, and complex systems perspective. Journal of Research in Personality, 110, 104495.

Arslan, R. C. (2019). How to automatically document data with the codebook package to facilitate data reuse. Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science, 2(2), 169-187.

Arthaud-Day, M. L., Rode, J. C., & Turnley, W. H. (2012). Direct and contextual effects of individual values on organizational citizenship behavior in teams. Journal of Applied Psychology, 97(4), 792-807.

Aschenbrenner, A. J., Carr, D. B., Benzinger, T. L. S., Morris, J. C., & Babulal, G. M. (2024). The influence of personality traits on driving behaviors in preclinical Alzheimer disease. Alzheimer Disease & Associated Disorders, 38(3), 241-248.

Ashrafioun, L., McCarthy, A., & Rosenberg, H. (2012). Assessing the impact of cue exposure on craving to gamble in university students. Journal of Gambling Studies, 28, 363-375.

Ashton, M. C., & Lee, K. (2001). A theoretical basis for the major dimensions of personality. European Journal of Personality, 15(5), 327-353.

Ashton, M. C., & Lee, K. (2005). Honesty-humility, the Big Five, and the Five-Factor Model. Journal of Personality, 73(5), 1321-1353.

Ashton, M. C., & Lee, K. (2019). How well do Big Five measures capture HEXACO scale variance? Journal of Personality Assessment, 101(6), 567-573.

Ashton, M. C., Lee, K., Anglim, J., Bucher, M., A., Horwood, S., & Samuel, D. B. (2024). The HEXACO personality space before and after re-rotation to approximate the Big Five dimensions. Journal of Personality Assessment, 106(2), 145-155.

Ashton, M. C., Lee, K., & Goldberg, L. R. (2007). The IPIP-HEXACO scales: An alternative, public-domain measure of the personality constructs in the HEXACO model. Personality and Individual Differences, 42(8), 1515-1526.

Ashton, M. C., Lee, K., & Son, C. (2000). Honesty as the sixth factor of personality: Correlations with Machiavellianism, primary psychopathy, and social adroitness. European Journal of Personality, 14(4), 359-368.;2-Y

Ashton, M. C., Pilkington, A. C., & Lee, K. (2014). Do prosocial people prefer sweet-tasting foods? An attempted replication of Meier, Moeller, Riemer-Peltz, and Robinson (2012). Journal of Research in Personality, 52, 42-46.

Aşkun, V., Raghavan, M., Ajanovic, E., Çizel, R., & Wiernik, B. M. (2024). Personality and job performance in Türkiye: Psychometric meta-analysis of Turkish studies. Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 40(1), 1-18.

Athar, M. E., & Ebrahimi, A. (2023). Validation of the Personality Inventory for DSM-5-Brief Form (PID-5-BF) with Iranian university students and clinical samples: Factor structure, measurement invariance, and convergent, discriminant, and know-groups validity. Journal of Personality Assessment, 105(3), 371-381.

Austin, E. J., Dore, T. C. P., & O'Donovan, K. M. (2008). Associations of personality and emotional intelligence with display rule perceptions and emotional labour. Personality and Individual Differences, 44(3), 679-688.

Austin, E. J., Farrelly, D., Black, C., & Moore, H. (2007). Emotional intelligence, Machiavellianism and emotional manipulation: Does EI have a dark side? Personality and Individual Differences, 43(1), 179-189.

Bäckström, M. (2007). Higher-order factors in a five-factor personality inventory and its relation to social desirability. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 23(2), 63-70.

Bäckström, M., & Björklund, F. (2024). Why forced-choice and Likert items provide the same information on personality, including social desirability. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 84(3), 549-576.

Bäckström, M., Björklund, F., & Larsson, M. R. (2009).  Five-factor inventories have a general factor related to social desirability which can be reduced by framing items neutrally.  Journal of Research in Personality, 43(3), 335-344.

Bäckström, M., Björklund, F., Persson, R., & Costa, A. (2020). Five-factor personality inventories have a competence-related higher-order factor due to item phrasing. Frontiers in Psychology, 11:557544.

Bäckström, M., Larsson, M. R., & Maddux, R. E. (2009).  A structural validation of an inventory based on the abridged five factor circumplex model (AB5C).  Journal of Personality Assessment, 91(5), 462-472.

Baer, M. (2010). The strength-of-weak-ties perspective on creativity: A comprehensive examination and extension. Journal of Applied Psychology, 95(3), 592-601.

Baer, M., & Oldham, G. R. (2006). The curvilinear relation between experienced creative time pressure and creativity: Moderating effects of Openness to Experience and support for creativity. Journal of Applied Psychology, 91(4), 963-970.

Bailenson, J. N., & Yee, N. (2009). Virtual interpersonal touch and digital chameleons. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior, 31, 225-242.

Baird, B. M., Le, K., & Lucas, R. E. (2006). On the nature of intraindividual personality variability: Reliability, validity, and associations with well-being. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 90(3), 512-527.

Baird, B. M., Lucas, R. E., & Donnellan, M. B. (2017). The role of response styles in the assessment of intraindividual personality variability. Journal of Research in Personality, 69, 170-179.

Baker, S. R., Victor, J. B., Chambers, A. L., & Halverson, C. F., Jr. (2004). Adolescent personality: A Five-Factor Model construct validation. Assessment, 11(4), 303-315.

Bakhtiar, N. S., & Kutty, F. M. (2024). Personality traits and socioeconomic status of postgraduate students towards imposter syndrome. Special Education, 2(1).

Bakker, B. N. (2017). Personality traits, income and economic ideology. Political Psychology, 38(6), 1025-1041.

Bakker, B. N., & de Vreese, C. H. (2016). Personality and European Union attitudes: Relationships across EU attitude dimensions. European Union Politics, 17, 25-45.

Bakker, B. N., Rooduijn, M., & Schumacher, G. (2016). The psychological roots of populist voting: Evidence from the United States, the Netherlands and Germany. European Journal of Political Research, 55(1), 302-320.

Baldasaro, R. E., Shanahan, M. J., & Bauer, D. J. (2013). Psychometric properties of the Mini-IPIP in a large, nationally representative sample of young adults. Journal of Personality Assessment, 95(1), 74-84.

Ballester, S., Sastre, M. T. M., & Mullet, E. (2009). Forgivingness and lay conceptualizations of forgiveness. Personality and Individual Differences, 47(6), 605-609.

Baltes, B. B., Bauer, C. B., & Frensch, P. A. (2007). Does a structured free recall intervention reduce the effect of stereotypes on performance ratings and by what cognitive mechanism? Journal of Applied Psychology, 92(1), 151-164.

Barańczuk, U. (2019). The five factor model of personality and alexithymia: A meta-analysis. Journal of Research in Personality, 78, 227-248.

Barchard, K. A. (2003). Does emotional intelligence assist in the prediction of academic success? Educational and Psychological Measurement, 63(5), 840-858.

Barchard, K. A., & Hakstian, A. R. (2004). The nature and measurement of emotional intelligence abilities: Basic dimensions and their relationships with other cognitive ability and personality variables. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 64(3), 437-462.

Barends, A. J., Gierse, L., & de Vries, R. E. (2024). Masking and cancelation effects of HEXACO domains and facets in relation to work- and study-related burnout. Personality and Individual Differences, 225, 112673.

Barford, K. A., Fayn, K., Silvia, P. J., & Smillie, L. D.(2018). Individual differences in conflicting stimulus evaluations: Openness/Intellect predicts mixed-valenced appraisals of visual art. Journal of Research in Personality, 73, 46-55.

Barsky, A., Thoresen, C. J., Warren, C. R., & Kaplan, S. A. (2004). Modeling negative affectivity and job stress: A contingency-based approach. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 25(8), 915-936.

Bartley, C. E., & Roesch, S. C. (2011). Coping with daily stress: The role of conscientiousness. Personality and Individual Differences, 50(1), 79-83.

Baryła-Matejczuk, M., Artymiak, M., & Pawelec, M. (2024). Correlates of disappointment in a relationship of generations X, Y, Z: Behavioural inhibition/activation system and sense of coherence. Journal of Modern Science, 60(6), 650-672.

Bassi, F., Raffini, A., Ajčević, M., Miladinović, A., Di Blas, L., & Accardo, A. (2024). Relationship between personality and kinematic parameters of handwriting. In A. Badnjević & P. L. Gurbeta (Eds.), MEDICON 2023 and CMBEBIH 2023 (IFMBE Proceedings, Vol. 93) (pp. 189-194). New York, NY: SpringerLink.

Bastian, K. C., McCord, D. M., Marks, J. T., & Carpenter, D. (2017). A temperament for teaching? Associations between personality traits and beginning teacher performance and retention. AERA Open, 3, 1-17.

Beaussart, M. L., Andrews, C. J., & Kaufman, J. C. (2013). Creative liars: The relationship between creativity and integrity. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 9, 129-134.

Beaussart, M. L., Kaufman, S. B., & Kaufman, J. C. (2012). Creative activity, personality, mental illness, and short-term mating success. Journal of Creative Behavior, 46, 151-167.

Beck, E. D., & Jackson, J. J. (2022). Personalized prediction of behaviors and experiences: An idiographic person-situation test. Psychological Science, 33(10), 1767-1782.

Beck, L. A., & Clark, M. S. (2009). Offering more support than we seek. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 45(1), 267-270.

Beck, L. A., Pietromonaco, P. R., DeVito, C. C., Powers, S. I., & Boyle, A. M. (2014). Congruence between spouses' perceptions and observers' ratings of responsiveness: The role of attachment avoidance. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 40(2), 164-174.

Beckmann, N., Beckmann, J. F., Birney, D. P., & Wood, R. E.(2015). A problem shared is learning doubled: Deliberative processing improves learning in complex dynamic decision-making tasks. Computers in Human Behavior, 48, 654–662.

Beckmann, N., Beckmann, J. F., Minbashian, A., & Birney, D. P. (2013). In the heat of the moment: On the effect of state neuroticism on task performance. Personality and Individual Differences, 54(3), 447-452.

Beckmann, N., Birney, D. P., Beckmann, J. F., Wood, R. E., Sojo, V., & Bowman, D. (2020). Inter-individual differences in intra-individual variability in personality within and across contexts. Journal of Research in Personality, 85, 103909.

Beckmann, N., Wood, R. E., & Minbashian, A. (2010). It depends how you look at it: On the relationship between neuroticism and conscientiousness at the within- and the between-person levels of analysis. Journal of Research in Personality, 44(5), 593-601.

Beedie, C. J., Foad, A. J., & Coleman, D. A. (2008). Identification of placebo responsive participants in 40km laboratory cycling performance. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 7(1), 166-175.

Bender, Y., Roth, F., Schweinberger, S., Witte, S., & Bräuer, J. (2025). Like owner, like dog – A systematic review about similarities in dog-human dyads. Personality and Individual Differences, 233, 112884.

Berg, V., Rotkirch, A., Väisänen, H., & Jokela, M. (2013). Personality is differentially associated with planned and non-planned pregnancies. Journal of Research in Personality, 47(4), 296-305.

Berry, C. M., Carpenter, N. C., & Barratt, C. L. (2012). Do other-reports of counterproductive work behavior provide an incremental contribution over self-reports? A meta-analytic comparison. Journal of Applied Psychology, 97(3), 613-636.

Biderman, M. D., Nguyen, N. T., & Sebren, J. (2008). Time-on-task mediates the conscientiousness-performance relationship. Personality and Individual Differences, 44(4), 887-897.

Blagov, P. S. (2021). Adaptive and Dark Personality in the COVID-19 pandemic: Predicting health-behavior endorsement and the appeal of public health messages. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 12(5), 697-707.

Bleidorn, W. & Hopwood, C. J. (2019). Using machine learning to advance personality assessment and theory. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 23(2), 190-203.

Bleidorn, W., Schwaba, T., & Hopwood, C. J. (2021). Health adversity and value change. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 12(2), 248-257.

Block, J. (2010). The five-factor framing of personality and beyond: Some ruminations. Psychological Inquiry, 21(1), 2-25.

Böckenholt, U. (2005). A latent Markov model for the analysis of longitudinal data collected in continuous time: States, durations, and transitions. Psychological Methods, 10(1), 65-83.

Bogg, T., & Roberts, B.W. (2013). The case for conscientiousness: Evidence and implications for a personality trait marker of health and longevity. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 45(3), 278-288.

Boies, K., Yoo, T-Y, Ebacher, A., Lee, K., & Ashton, M. C. (2004). Psychometric properties of scores on the French and Korean versions of the HEXACO Personality Inventory. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 64(6), 992-1006.

Bojanić, M., & Čolović, P. (2025). Personality profiles in SAPA data: An exploratory study. Personality and Individual Differences, 234, Article 112957.

Bonaccio, S., & Reeve, C. L. (2006). Differentiation of cognitive abilities as a function of neuroticism level: A measurement equivalence/invariance analysis. Intelligence, 34(4), 403-417.

Bono, J. E., & Vey, M. A. (2007). Personality and emotional performance: Extraversion, neuroticism, and self-monitoring. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 12(2), 177-192.

Booth, T., Mõttus, R., Corley, J., Gow, A. J., Henderson, R.D., ... & Deary, I. J. (2014). Personality, health, and brain integrity: The Lothian Birth Cohort Study 1936. Health Psychology, 33(12), 1477-1486.

Bore, M., Munro, D., Kerridge, I., & Powis, D. (2005). Selection of medical students according to their moral orientation. Medical Education, 39(3), 266-275.

Bowling, N. A., Beehr, T. A., & Swader, W. M. (2005). Giving and receiving social support at work: The roles of personality and reciprocity. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 67(3), 476-489.

Bowling, N. A., & Burns, G. N. (2010). A comparison of work-specific and general personality measures as predictors of work and non-work criteria. Personality and Individual Differences, 49(2), 95-101.

Boyes, M. E., & French, D. J. (2009).  Having a Cyberball: using a ball-throwing game as an experimental social stressor to examine the relationship between neuroticism and coping.  Personality and Individual Differences, 47(5), 396-401.

Boyes, M. E., & French, D. J. (2010). Neuroticism, stress, and coping in the context of an anagram-solving task. Personality and Individual Differences, 49(5), 380-385.

Brackett, M. A., Mayer, J. D., & Warner, R. M. (2004). Emotional intelligence and its relation to everyday behaviour. Personality and Individual Differences, 36(4), 1387-1402.

Bradley, B. H., Klotz, A. C., Postlethwaite, B. E., & Brown, K. g. (2013). Ready to rumble: How team personality composition and task conflict interact to improve performance. Journal of Applied Psychology, 98(2), 385-392.

Bresin, K., Hilmert, C. J., Wilkowski, B. M., & Robinson, M. D. (2012). Response speed as an individual difference: Its role in moderating the agreeableness-anger relationship. Journal of Research in Personality, 46(1), 79-86.

Briley, D. A., Domiteaux, M., & Tucker-Drob, E. M. (2014). Achievement-relevant personality: Relations with the Big Five and validation of an efficient instrument. Learning and Individual Differences, 32, 26-39.

Britt, T. W., Thomas, J. L., & Dawson, C. R. (2006). Self-engagement magnifies the relationship between qualitative overload and performance in a training setting. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 36(9), 2100-2114.

Brown, D. J., Cober, R. T., Kane, K., Levy, P. E., & Shalhoop, J. (2006). Proactive personality and the successful job search: A field investigation with college graduates. Journal of Applied Psychology, 91(3), 717-726.

Brown, S. A. (2009). Personality and non-suicidal deliberate self-harm: Trait differences among a non-clinical population. Psychiatry Research, 169(1), 28-32.

Buchanan, T. (2016). Self-report measures of executive function problems correlate with personality, not performance-based executive function measures, in nonclinical samples. Psychological Assessment, 28(4), 372-385.

Buchanan, T., Johnson, J. A., & Goldberg, L. R. (2005). Implementing a five-factor personality inventory for use on the internet. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 21(2), 115-127.

Bucher, M. A., & Samuel, D. B. (2019). Development of a short form of the Abridged Big Five-Dimensional Circumplex model to aid with the organization of personality traits. Journal of Personality Assessment, 101(1), 16-24.

Bucher, M. A., & Samuel D. B. (2020). Developing a short form of the IPIP Abridged Big Five-Dimensional Circumplex (AB5C) congruent with the AB5C circumplex locations. Journal of Research in Personality, 88, 104007.

Bunghez, C., Rusu, A., De Houwer, J., Perugini, M., Boddez, Y., & Sava, F. A. (2024). The moderating role of Neuroticism and evaluative conditioning: Evidence from ambiguous learning situations. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 15(6), 718-727.

Bunji, K., & Okada, K. (2022). Linear ballistic accumulator item response theory model for multidimensional multiple-alternative forced-choice measurement of personality. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 57(4), 658-678.

Burns, R. A., & Machin, M. A. (2010).  Identifying gender differences in the independent effects of personality and psychological well-being on two broad affect components of subjective well-being.  Personality and Individual Differences, 48(1), 22-27.

Burrow, A. L., Hill, P. L., & Sumner, R. (2016). Leveling mountains: purpose attenuates links between perceptions of effort and steepness. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 42(1), 94-103.

Burrow, A. L., Stanley, M., Sumner, R., & Hill, P. L. (2014). Purpose in life as a resource for increasing comfort with ethnic diversity. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 40(11), 1507-1516.

Burtăverde, V., de Raad, B., & Zanfirescu, A-Ş. (2018). An emic-etic approach to personality assessment in predicting social adaptation, risky social behaviors, status striving, and social affirmation. Journal of Research in Personality, 76, 113-123.

Çankaya, İ. (2011). Anger as a mediator of the effects of anxiety on aggressiveness in teacher trainees. Social Behavior and Personality, 39(7), 935-946.

Carpenter, J., Doverspike, D., & Miguel, R. F. (2012). Public service motivation as a predictor of attraction to the public sector. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 80(2), 509-523.

Carr, P. B., Walton, G. M. (2014). Cues of working together fuel intrinsic motivation. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 53, 169-184.

Carré, J. M., Putnam, S. K., & McCormick, C. M. (2009). Testosterone responses to competition predict future aggressive behaviour at a cost to reward in men. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 34(4), 561-570.

Chan, A., Harvey, P., Hernandez-Cardenache, R., Alperin, N., Lee, S., Hunt, C., Petersen, N., Northoff, G., Robertson, N., Ouyang, J., Karasik, R., & Williams, K. (2024). Trauma and the default mode network: Review and exploratory study. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 18, Article 1499408. 10.3389/fnbeh.2024.1499408

Chan, C. S. R., & Park, H. D. (2013). The influence of dispositional affect and cognition on venture investment portfolio concentration. Journal of Business Venturing, 28(3), 397-412.

Chan, K-Y, Rounds, J., & Drasgow, F. (2000). The relation between vocational interests and the motivation to lead. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 57(2), 226-245.

Chauvin, B., Hermand, D., & Mullet, E. (2007). Risk perception and personality facets. Risk Analysis: An International Journal, 27, 171-185.

Cheek, N. N., & Norem, J. K. (2020). Are Big Five traits and facets associated with anchoring susceptibility? Social Psychological and Personality Science, 11(1), 26-35.

Chen, J., Qiu, L., & Ho, M-H. R. (2020). A meta-analysis of linguistic markers of extraversion: Positive emotion and social process words. Journal of Research in Personality, 89, 104035.

Chernyshenko, O. S., Stark, S., Chan, K-Y, Drasgow, F., & Williams, B. (2001). Fitting item response theory models to two personality inventories: Issues and insights. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 36(4), 523-562.

Chester, D. S., Crowe, M. L., Hyatt, C. S., & Miller, J. D. (2024). The structure of aggressive personality. Journal of Personality, 92(5), 1375–1393.

Chester, D. S., & West, S. J. (2020). Trait aggression is primarily a facet of antagonism: Evidence from dominance, latent correlational, and item-level analyses. Journal of Research in Personality, 89, 104042.

Chiaramello, S., Sastre, M. T. M., & Mullet, E. (2008). Seeking forgiveness: Factor structure, and relationships with personality and forgivingness. Personality and Individual Differences, 45(5), 383-388.

Chin, B., Murphy, M.L.M., Janicki-Deverts, D., & Cohen, S. (2017). Marital status as a predictor of diurnal salivary cortisol levels and slopes in a community sample of healthy adults. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 78, 68-75.

Cho, V. (2017). A study of negative emotional disclosure behavior in social network media: Will an unexpected negative event and personality matter? Computers in Human Behavior, 73, 172-180.

Chopik, W. J., & Johnson, D. J. (2021). Modeling dating decisions in a mock swiping paradigm: An examination of participant and target characteristics. Journal of Research in Personality, 92, 104076.

Christensen, A. P., Cotter, K. N., & Silvia, P. J. (2019). Reopening Openness to Experience: A network analysis of four Openness to Experience inventories. Journal of Personality Assessment, 101(6), 574-588.

Christiansen, N. D., Wolcott-Burnam, S., Janovics, J. E., Burns, G. N., & Quirk, S. W. (2005). The good judge revisited: Individual differences in the accuracy of personality judgments. Human Performance, 18(2), 123-149.

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