Item number |
Original Goldberg Item |
Substituted IPIP item |
Arabic Adoption |
Score direction |
IPIP items loading on NEO
facets |
Big-Five factor markers in
Goldberg (1992). |
Letter of scale |
Name of item |
Name with Factor and Number |
1 |
Am the life of the party |
أنا ممتع في
الحفلات و المناسبات |
(1+) |
Extraversion |
Extraversion |
E |
E_IPIP1_Am the life of the party |
2 |
Feel little concern for others. |
أشعر بالقليل من
الإهتمام تجاه الآخرين |
(2-) |
Agreeableness |
Agreeableness |
A |
A_IPIP2_Feel little concern for
others. |
3 |
Am always prepared. |
I procrastinate decisions |
أؤجل القرارات |
(3-) |
Conscientiousness |
Conscientiousness |
C |
C_IPIP3_I procrastinate decisions |
4 |
Get stressed out easily. |
أشعر بالضغط
النفسي بسهولة |
(4-) |
Emotional Stability |
Emotional Stability |
ES |
ES_IPIP4_Get stressed out easily. |
5 |
Have a rich vocabulary. |
لدي الكثير من
الكلمات و المفردات |
(5+) |
Openess/Intellect |
Intellect/Imagination |
OI |
OI_IPIP5_Have a rich vocabulary. |
6 |
Don't talk a lot. |
لا أتكلم كثيرا |
(1-) |
Extraversion |
Extraversion |
E |
E_IPIP6_Don't talk a lot. |
7 |
Am interested in people. |
أنا مهتم بالناس |
(2+) |
Extraversion |
Agreeableness |
A |
A_IPIP7_Am interested in people. |
8 |
Leave my belongings around. |
أضع ممتلكاتي/
أشيائي بدون نظام |
(3-) |
Conscientiousness |
Conscientiousness |
C |
C_IPIP8_Leave my belongings around. |
9 |
Am relaxed most of the time. |
أشعر بالراحة
النفسية معظم الوقت |
(4+) |
Emotional Stability |
Emotional Stability |
ES |
ES_IPIP9_Am relaxed most of the
time. |
10 |
Have difficulty understanding
abstract ideas. |
أجد صعوبة في فهم
الأفكار العميقة/المجردة |
(5-) |
Openess/Intellect |
Intellect/Imagination |
OI |
IPIP10 |
OI_IPIP10_Have difficulty
understanding abstract ideas. |
11 |
Feel comfortable around people. |
أشعر بالارتياح مع
الآخرين |
(1+) |
Extraversion/Friendliness |
Extraversion |
E |
IPIP11 |
E_IPIP11_Feel comfortable around
people. |
12 |
Insult people. |
أنا أهين الآخرين |
(2-) |
Agreeableness/Cooperation |
Agreeableness |
A |
IPIP12 |
A_IPIP12_Insult people. |
13 |
Pay attention to details. |
أهتم بالتفاصيل |
(3+) |
n/a |
Conscientiousness |
C |
IPIP13 |
C_IPIP13_Pay attention to details. |
14 |
Worry about things. |
أقلق تجاه بعض
الأمور |
(4-) |
Emotional Stability/Anxiety |
Emotional Stability |
ES |
IPIP14 |
ES_IPIP14_Worry about things. |
15 |
Have a vivid imagination. |
عندي خيال واسع |
(5+) |
Openess/Imagination |
Intellect/Imagination |
OI |
IPIP15 |
OI_IPIP15_Have a vivid imagination. |
16 |
Keep in the background. |
لا أحب أن أكون
موضع الإنتباه |
(1-) |
Extraversion/Assertiveness |
Extraversion |
E |
IPIP16 |
E_IPIP16_Keep in the background. |
17 |
Sympathize with others' feelings. |
أتعاطف مع مشاعر
الآخرين |
(2+) |
n/a |
Agreeableness |
A |
IPIP17 |
A_IPIP17_Sympathize with others'
feelings. |
18 |
Make a mess of things. |
أسبب الفوضى من
حولي |
(3-) |
Conscientiousness/Orderliness |
Conscientiousness |
C |
IPIP18 |
C_IPIP18_Make a mess of things. |
19 |
Seldom feel blue. |
نادرا ما أشعر
بالحزن |
(4+) |
Emotional Stability/Depression |
Emotional Stability |
ES |
IPIP19 |
ES_IPIP19_Seldom feel blue. |
20 |
Am not interested in abstract ideas. |
ليس لدي اهتمام
بالأفكار العميقة/ المجردة |
(5-) |
Openess/Intellect |
Intellect/Imagination |
OI |
IPIP20 |
OI_IPIP20_Am not interested in
abstract ideas. |
21 |
Start conversations. |
أبادر/أبدأ الحديث
مع الآخرين |
(1+) |
n/a |
Extraversion |
E |
IPIP21 |
E_IPIP21_Start conversations. |
22 |
Am not interested in other people's
problems. |
ليس لدي اهتمام
بمشاكل الآخرين |
(2-) |
Agreeableness/Sympathy |
Agreeableness |
A |
IPIP22 |
A_IPIP22_Am not interested in other
people's problems. |
23 |
Get chores done right away. |
أنجز الأشغال فورا |
(3+) |
Conscientiousness/ self discipline |
Conscientiousness |
C |
IPIP23 |
C_IPIP23_Get chores done right away. |
24 |
Am easily disturbed. |
أنزعج بسهولة |
(4-) |
n/a |
Emotional Stability |
ES |
IPIP24 |
ES_IPIP24_Am easily disturbed. |
25 |
Have excellent ideas. |
عندي أفكار ممتازة |
(5+) |
n/a |
Intellect/Imagination |
OI |
IPIP25 |
OI_IPIP25_Have excellent ideas. |
26 |
Have little to say. |
I bottle up my feelings |
أكبت مشاعري |
(1-) |
Extraversion/Assertiveness |
Extraversion |
E |
IPIP26 |
E_IPIP26_I bottle up my feelings |
27 |
Have a soft heart. |
أنا طيب القلب |
(2+) |
n/a |
Agreeableness |
A |
IPIP27 |
A_IPIP27_Have a soft heart. |
28 |
Often forget to put things back in
their proper place. |
غالبا ما أنسى أن أرجع الأشياء إلى مكانها الصحيح |
(3-) |
Conscientiousness/Orderliness |
Conscientiousness |
C |
IPIP28 |
C_IPIP28_Often forget to put things
back in their proper place. |
29 |
Get upset easily. |
أشعر بالانزعاج
بسرعة |
(4-) |
Emotional Stability/anger |
Emotional Stability |
ES |
IPIP29 |
ES_IPIP29_Get upset easily. |
30 |
Do not have a good imagination. |
ليس لدي خيال واسع |
(5-) |
Openess/Imagination |
Intellect/Imagination |
OI |
IPIP30 |
OI_IPIP30_Do not have a good
imagination. |
31 |
Talk to a lot of different people
at parties. |
أتحدث مع الكثير
من الناس في الحفلات و المناسبات |
(1+) |
Extraversion/Gregariousness |
Extraversion |
E |
IPIP31 |
E_IPIP31_Talk to a lot of different
people at parties. |
32 |
Am not really interested in others. |
ليس لدي اهتمام
حقيقي بالآخرين |
(2-) |
Extraversion/Friendliness |
Agreeableness |
A |
IPIP32 |
A_IPIP32_Am not really interested
in others. |
33 |
Like order. |
أحب النظام |
(3+) |
Conscientiousness/Orderliness |
Conscientiousness |
C |
IPIP33 |
C_IPIP33_Like order. |
34 |
Change my mood a lot. |
كثيرا ما أغير
مزاجي |
(4-) |
n/a |
Emotional Stability |
ES |
IPIP34 |
ES_IPIP34_Change my mood a lot. |
35 |
Am quick to understand things. |
أفهم الأشياء بسرعة |
(5+) |
Openess/Intellect |
Openess/Intellect |
OI |
IPIP35 |
OI_IPIP35_Am quick to understand
things. |
36 |
Don't like to draw attention to
myself. |
لا أحب لفت
الأنظار إلى نفسي |
(1-) |
Extraversion |
Extraversion |
E |
IPIP36 |
E_IPIP36_Don't like to draw
attention to myself. |
37 |
Take time out for others. |
أخصص/ أفرّغ بعضا
من وقتي لأكون مع الآخرين |
(2+) |
Agreeableness/Altruism |
Agreeableness |
A |
IPIP37 |
A_IPIP37_Take time out for others. |
38 |
Shirk my duties. |
أتفادى واجباتي |
(3-) |
n/a |
Conscientiousness |
C |
IPIP38 |
C_IPIP38_Shirk my duties. |
39 |
Have frequent mood swings. |
كثيرا ما يتغير
مزاجي بسرعة |
(4-) |
Emotional Stability/Depression |
Emotional Stability |
ES |
IPIP39 |
ES_IPIP39_Have frequent mood swings. |
40 |
Use difficult words. |
أستخدم كلمات
(مفردات) صعبة |
(5+) |
n/a |
Openess/Intellect |
OI |
IPIP40 |
OI_IPIP40_Use difficult words. |
41 |
Don't mind being the center of
attention. |
لا أمانع أن أكون
مركز الاهتمام |
(1+) |
n/a |
Extraversion |
E |
IPIP41 |
E_IPIP41_Don't mind being the
center of attention. |
42 |
Feel others' emotions. |
أشعر بأحاسيس
الآخرين |
(2+) |
Openess/Emotionality |
Agreeableness |
A |
IPIP42 |
A_IPIP42_Feel others' emotions. |
43 |
Follow a schedule. |
ألتزم بجدول أعمال |
(3+) |
n/a |
Conscientiousness |
C |
IPIP43 |
C_IPIP43_Follow a schedule. |
44 |
Get irritated easily. |
أشعر بالغضب بسهولة |
(4-) |
Emotional Stability/Anger |
Emotional Stability |
ES |
IPIP44 |
ES_IPIP44_Get irritated easily. |
45 |
Spend time reflecting on things. |
I avoid philosophical arguments |
أتجنب المناقشات
الفلسفية |
(5-) |
n/a |
Openness/imagination |
OI |
IPIP45 |
OI_IPIP45_I avoid philosophical
arguments |
46 |
Am quiet around strangers. |
أكون صامتا حول
الغرباء |
(1-) |
n/a |
Extraversion |
E |
IPIP46 |
E_IPIP46_Am quiet around strangers. |
47 |
Make people feel at ease. |
أُشعر الآخرين من
حولي بالراحة |
(2+) |
n/a |
Agreeableness |
A |
IPIP47 |
A_IPIP47_Make people feel at ease. |
48 |
Am exacting in my work. |
أنا دقيق و صارم
في عملي |
(3+) |
n/a |
Conscientiousness |
C |
IPIP48 |
C_IPIP48_Am exacting in my work. |
49 |
Often feel blue. |
كثيرا ما أشعر
بالحزن |
(4-) |
Emotional Stability/Depression |
Emotional Stability |
ES |
IPIP49 |
ES_IPIP49_Often feel blue. |
50 |
Am full of ideas. |
أنا مفعم بالأفكار |
(5+) |
n/a |
Intellect/Imagination |
OI |
IPIP50 |
OI_IPIP50_Am full of ideas. |