Not all 3,320 IPIP items are currently scored on an IPIP scale, and some IPIP items are scored on more than one scale.
The link below leads to an Excel workbook containing a table constructed by Thomas Tedone that shows which items thus far have been assigned to which IPIP scales. He constructed this table of IPIP items and their associated trait labels by web-scraping hyperlinks found on the International Personality Item Pool website. The trait labels used in this table are those that appear on the IPIP web page that lists all IPIP scales organized by an alphabetical list of constructs. The table does not include IPIP items that are not currently scored and therefore have no association to any scale on this alphabetical list of constructs.
Thomas Tedone is currently developing a web application called Deep Personality, a comprehensive personality test based on the item assignment table. Deep Personality is not affiliated with the International Personality Item Pool. Thomas Tedone has generously agreed to share his table of item assignments for persons who can use such a resource. When Deep Personality has been developed beyond beta testing, we will provide a link to that site here.
Below are descriptions of the column headings in the item assignment table
Please direct any questions about the item assignment table to Thomas Tedone at
June 21, 2021 Item assignment table replaced with corrected table TedoneItemAssignmentTable30APR21.
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